The Wedding Party



Julianna (Maid of Honor)

Gina has literally known Julie for her whole life.  They first met as neighbors in Tucson and their families have very close ties.  Julianna and Gina attended all levels of school together.  Although they were always friends, they became much closer after spending an entire summer together.  Gina admires Julianna’s intelligence, compassion and her outlook on life – always taking time to have some fun.  Together, these two were party animals and both knew they would have a great time whenever they were together.  If not for Julianna, there would have been no Gina and Greg.


Gina met Ale in middle school and quickly became childhood friends.  They cemented their unbreakable friendship after a school vacation trip.  Before one of their many trips together, they girls took some tequila from Ale’s dad and replaced it with water to make it look full.  It was this kind of spirit that Gina enjoyed in Ale.  Ale has been a loyal and genuine friend from day one.  The girls have bonded after spending many holidays together.


Gina met Jen in high school.  They both enjoyed dancing around to the same music.  Jen and Gina spent time together running numerous errands for Gina’s mom.  These two can have completely different experiences in a few short hours – having a serious conversation, then singing to their favorite songs.  While having many sleepovers, Gina realized that Jen was a good listener and a truly comforting friend.  Jen’s funky and weird personality means that no matter where Gina and Jen are, they will always have a blast.  Gina admires Jen’s positive attitude as she always sees the best in everyone.


Gina and Jawna got close to each other on the very first day they met at work.  While training together, they both felt a connection with one another and quickly opened up.  They both joke that they know too much about each other to not be friends, but they know they have friendship engraved in them.


Gina and Sarah have traveled the world together.  After meeting at work, they joked and laughed through many delirious night shifts.  Sarah is a thoughtful and trust worthy friend and is another part in Gina’s support system.


Together with the other bridesmaids, Gina considers Jill as her sister.  In fact, Jill is Gina’s “big sister” and has been since Gina was in middle school.  They both share similar interest in the outdoors and love hiking, camping, and sharing cooking advice with one another.



Bill (Best Man)

Greg and Bill first met as freshmen in high school in physical education class.  From the constant joking of their teacher, Coach Lovett, Bill and Greg went from being “Italian brothers” in school, to brothers outside of school.  While they both have an appreciation for graphic design, music and Italian food, they know that they can be completely honest and fully rely on each other.


Ivan met Greg during their senior year of high school when they worked as interns for Honeywell.  They shadowed each other throughout their college and professional lives as roommates, working together, and taking almost all of the same classes.  Beyond bouncing ideas off each other, Ivan and Greg enjoy quick getaways to ski/snowboard, or camping along with beer tasting and random geek-outs.


Greg met James through mutual friends his freshman year of college at the  “Charles Darwin Experience” – a comedy show at the University of Arizona.  Up until this point in school, Greg didn’t get out much – James changed most of that.  Since meeting, both have never been able to maintain a straight face – and can make each other laugh in any situation.


Zach met Greg on his first day of work as a computer support tech for the U of A.  They instantly hit things off with similar music and video game tastes. Zach kept Greg physically in shape during school and has kept Greg weight lifting through the years.  Zach and Greg were both lucky to be raised by an awesome family as they share similar morals and values that have brought them close to one another.


Greg and Walter have similar appreciations for music, food, and sports.  With similar interests, they always have something to talk about when they go on random adventures.  Walter has a history of coming up with nicknames for Greg, at last count there were at least 10, only a few that Greg actually likes.


After moving back from New Mexico to Phoenix, Shaun worked on the same project as Greg.  Although they never really talked (as engineer’s should), they knew they had a place in their future with each other.  When Shaun started dating the only younger female engineer at work, he began talking to Greg and eventually joined Greg’s weekly pool league.  Shaun also got Greg and Gina involved with rock climbing at a local rock gym.

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