Author Archives: greg

Flowers in France

The other side: 4 reasons why the grass is greener

I recently left my job of 10 years at PayPal (5 as an engineer, 5 as an engineering manager) to join Meta. One month into my new role seems like a great time to check-in and reflect on the past.

Greener, cuter, grass

I want to take this time to update my fellow confidants, friends, and the world, on why this job is 100x better (with a caveat that I’m still in a honeymoon phase and have recency bias). I’m going to only talk about four key areas that are most salient for me right now: engineering tools, management expectations and accountability, human-first relationships, and an early emphasis on scaling.

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Food Options Flying Singapore Airlines from SFO to SIN

Changi Airport (SIN)

Before you get to experience the beautiful waterfall from Terminal 1 of the Changi Airport and the amazing and diverse food scene in Singapore, you’ll be on a 16 hour flight from SFO to SIN. While you’re trying to decide on economy or economy premium, it might help to have some insight into some differences in value.

The Jewel of Changi Airport in Terminal 1
The Jewel of Changi Airport in Terminal 1
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30 days in Italy

For my sabbatical we ventured all around Italy.  Here’s a summary of the places of joy that were experienced during this journey.

Journey through Italy – April 21st to May 20th 2018
  • Rome – 5 nights
  • Vernazza – 2 nights
    • Monterosso
    • Corniglia
    • Manarola
    • Riomaggiore
  • Giais – 2 nights
    • Venice
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The top 5 things to do in Florence

Start here – Google Maps List: Florence 2018

I’ve put together a Google Maps list of all of the highlights from my trip in May 2018 where I stayed in Florence for a week!  I hope you find this information as deliciously helpful as I did!

1. Eat (gelato, pizza, panini, Florentine steak)

The highlight of my trip was when I spent a day wondering from gelato shop to gelato shop.  In all, after the day was over, I had visited 7 gelato shops out of the 20 that I targeted.  The following day I rounded out the top 10 by visiting 3 more.  Each gelato shop is a little different – some offer very rich chocolate, some have pieces of nuts or fruit.   Check out my Google Maps list for some of my favorites including some from the pictures below!

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Remembering Gary Wheeler

Gary was the captain of many pool teams and was a father for everyone he knew.  He was known for his never-ending stories, his jaw-dropping precision shots on the pool table, and his mentorship both in and outside of the game.

There are so, so many words to describe Gary, but I wanted to extract three from my heart:

1. Passionate: Gary wanted to win, but he also wanted to have fun.  Fun usually was more important than winning.  If he wasn’t pulling a prank, he was making a joke – his laugh was contagious, but his smile was heart-grabbing.

2. Heartfelt: Gary saw the best in people and always wanted the best for his friends and family.  As a captain, when the game was on the line, he would always want to make sure everyone had a chance to play. He always put himself last and others first.

3. Strong: This was felt in his handshake, in his steadiness, and after every accident that caused him bodily harm (like landing upside down in a sandrail and compressing his spine and his coal mine accident).  He always got up and kept going.

Gary’s eternal souvenirs are plentiful.

His shouts of “you dirty son of a bitch” after you play a defensive shot on him, his facial expressions always told you what was on his mind. He reminds me of how I’ll be when I’m older, but I have a lot to learn until then.

The most profound learning from Gary was when he called a timeout at the Southwest Challenge in Las Vegas with Tashana, walked up to the table, picked up the q-ball, and committed a foul as a coach, giving the opponent ball-in-hand.  I will never forget the look on his face, and I will never, ever pickup a q-ball during a timeout unless I’m sure I can.

I am thankful to have these memories of Gary, and I am eternally grateful to Tashana and Moses for introducing me to this great man, a winner at life.

A Quick Trip to Versailles from Paris

versailles door and ceiling
Gold! So much gold and beauty.

While living in Paris for the past 6 months, we consider ourselves to be Versailles experts. We normally target Saturday or Sunday with an arrival time at 9am.

Breakfast – First Things First

If you aren’t morning people like us, it’s probably best to start your day off with some coffee and amazing pastries from Eric Kayser.  Even though it is a chain restaurant in Paris, it is still one of the best places for your morning croissant, brioche, pain au chocolat and café.

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Wedding Reflection

Our wedding day was truly one of the best days of our lives, after many days of preparation, we can honestly say that we will never forget the day we made a promise to each other.   Having played a huge role in our lives, we have a special place in our hearts for our family and friends.  We chose to specifically honor our mothers with a rose ceremony, an embrace with Greg’s mother and the iconic placement of a rose on a chair for Gina’s deceased mother.  We also wanted to remember our family members that were no longer with us with a remembrance table and a Hawaiian prayer for Greg’s aunt that passed earlier in the year.  The love and excitement from our family on that day was indescribable.

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